Monday, March 7, 2011

Texting God

The older I get, the more I realize that technology is passing me by at a rapid pace.  I have always been pretty up-to-speed on the latest phone, computer, software, etc.  Lately it seems that I am having a hard time keeping up with the rest of society in this area, and I believe I have narrowed down the root cause:  I can’t type fast with my thumbs!

Everyone is texting these days.  Go into a restaurant or movie, ballgame or subway train and everyone seems to have their phone or PDA in their lap and their thumbs going 100 miles per hour.  Then it occurred to me:  God wants us to have the same experience in our prayer life!  He wants us to text him throughout the day.   See (Ephesians 6:18)

When I was growing up, I always had this idea of prayer as a long drawn out ordeal.  I felt that I needed to  carve out 45 minutes to an hour to speak with God.  All of us have known that Pastor, elder or deacon that prays those long eloquent prayers that seem to go on forever.  That isn’t what God requires of His children at all.

God wants us to be in a constant state of prayer, similar to the way we text our friends and family when we have a quick question or comment.  Obviously we can’t “text” God on our cell phone and He receive it on some “Heavenly Blackberry”,  but we can mentally text God throughout the day. 
Think about it:  When we speak to our parents here on earth, our conversations aren’t always formal and eloquent.  We talk to them in a normal language in short sentences.  Why do we treat our conversations with God differently?   Imagine yourself as a child on vacation, riding with your father or mother on a long car trip.  You would periodically have a conversation with them but wouldn’t speak the entire time that you are in the car!  You would speak to them from time to time when ideas or thoughts go through your mind.  That is what God desires for us in our lives. 

Continual prayer is expressing to Him throughout the day our joys, praise, frustrations, sorrows, highs and lows.  God wants us to ask Him for everything we want and need.  He wants us to talk with Him.  In doing so we will grow closer to our heavenly Father and see Him work out all things for our own good. 

Try it today and feel God’s presence beside you all day long.

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