Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quick Thought:

When I went to college, they didn't give me a degree the first week I was there.  There were several years of going to class, studying, reading, listening, failing and re-taking tests, and many life experiences that took place.  I thought I was never going to graduate!

Then one semester, I met with my counselor and we looked at how many credits I had left to take.  I never will forget that meeting.  He said "Mr. Merritt, looks like you are going to graduate!"  And then, just like that, it was finished!

Our salvation in Christ is similar, but very different.  When you ask Jesus in your heart, He holds your diploma for you.  You are guaranteed to graduate!  There is nothing that you can do to mess it up in any way.  Where it is similar is the fact that He still wants you to learn while you are here.  He has a purpose for you.

During your life, you are going to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  You are also going to sin and make huge mistakes.  Don't give up and be discouraged.  Take each class, one at a time, learn the lessons God has in store for you, and one day (before you know it) you will walk that stage and receive your diploma!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Went well with my daily devotions!
    Jill McDaniel
