Wednesday, September 28, 2011

God's Spirit: Without Limit

Photograph by:  Phyllis Keating
 We have tremendous water pressure at our house.  It is wonderful, especially when we are washing dishes or a car.  Having indoor plumbing in the 21st century is a beautiful thing.  Sometimes, when I want to fill up a water bottle, I barely turn the faucet and a small stream of water will come out of it.  I use just the right amount, and then turn it off again.

I thought of this when I read John 3:34.  John the Baptist states “God gives the Spirit without limit.”  Often times we think of the Holy Spirit like a faucet.  Sometimes we feel His presence, other times we don’t.  Occasionally we pray with large amounts of faith, other times we pray but don’t expect much in return.

John the Baptist is turning the whole “Faucet” idea on its ear.  He is saying that God gives His Spirit “without limit”.  While we are thinking of the Spirit in terms of a faucet, God is more like Niagara Falls.  There is no way to even measure what He is willing to do when it comes to His Spirit.

How do we begin to see things the way God wants us to see them, especially when it comes to His Holy Spirit?

  • It requires faith.  When we put or faith and trust in God that He can truly do anything, we start to see the impossible happen right before our eyes.  Hebrews 11:1
  • Ask for it, and ask for it often.  When we beg God (as His children) for His Holy Spirit, He is faithful and gives us His Spirit.
  • Pray big prayers.  If God and His Spirit are without limit, than our potential as Christ followers is limitless.  Pray extraordinary prayers.  Ask God for crazy things to happen, even things that don’t make since.  God is not a lucky rabbit’s foot, but He doesn’t wear handcuffs either.  When my kids ask me for something, usually they will ask me many times.  If it is good for them, it brings me joy to do it.  This week our men’s group asked God to heal one of our guys who has brain cancer.  God can do this.  Brain cancer is nothing for God.  If He so chooses, He can wipe it clean once and for all.  Either way, He gets the glory and it brings Him glory when we ask Him for things we consider impossible.  Luke 1:37

Think big, pray big, ask your heavenly Father to do big things.  Use big faith and ask for the Spirit of God in unlimited quantities.  God not only shows up for His children, He shows out too!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Earl Grey Tea

I have a cold.  Being sick is not my favorite thing.  One thing I have found that makes me feel better is Earl Grey Tea with a spot of local honey to sweeten it.  I decided to make me a cup this morning to help ease my congested head.

As I was heating the water, I started to laugh.  It reminded me of an incident that happened a few months ago in the grocery store.  My wife and I were walking up the isle shopping for food together.  As I reached for the box of Earl Grey Tea my wife looked at me and said “You don’t like Earl Grey Tea…put that back!”  I laughed and responded “Excuse me?”  The conversation continued as I stood amazed!  How in the world does my wife say to me whether or not I like or don’t like something?

The answer is simple.  As my spouse, she was under the impression that she knows everything about me.  We have been married for almost 15 years.  It’s true that she knows more about me than anyone else on this planet, but the simple fact is that she doesn’t know everything about me.

When I was in college (before we met) I drank Earl Grey Tea.  I liked it.  I still like it.  It was one thing that we never discussed, and she assumed I didn’t like it since she never saw me drink it.

As I thought about this whole scenario over my cup of tea this morning, another thought occurred to me; “If my wife doesn’t know everything about me, than who does?”  Immediately my mind wandered back to Psalm 44.

David writes in verse 20-21

20 If we had forgotten the name of our God
   or spread out our hands to a foreign god,
21 would not God have discovered it,
   since he knows the secrets of the heart?

God knows every single thing about me.  My hopes, my dreams, my likes, my dislikes, my secret sins, my disappointments, everything!  My God knows every single thing about me and loves me anyway.

Today, you can rest in the assurance that God knows everything about you; right down to your inmost thoughts.  There are no surprises or confusion when it comes to you and God.  What an awesome thought to know that God made you, sustains you, and knows everything about you.  Don’t try and hide anything from God.  When you pray, be honest and transparent.  You’re not fooling anyone but yourself.  When you realize this, you will truly begin to walk with God the way He intended it to be!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank you Jesus for the cigarette smoke!

This week's post is from a friend of mine, Mrs. Cathy Baker.  Cathy is a godly woman and skilled writer whom I respect very much.  I read her blog from time to time, and thouroughly enjoyed this one.  I just had to share it with you all.  Thanks Cathy!

I sat on the comfy pew only to have my head hijacked by a headlock. The culprit wasn’t a person, but an allergen.

Only a couple of handshakes—that’s all it took to identify the problem: cigarette smoke—something I’m highly allergic to and the reason we rarely dine in restaurants that allow it.

Sitting nearby was a large group of men from a local missions home who are picked up every Sunday for Bible study, worship, and much needed encouragement.

So what’s a little smoke, right?

That was the question that attempted to budge its way through the stuffiness of my head but instead, was quickly answered by truth from God’s Word:

Exodus 29:18 Then burn the entire ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering to the LORD, a pleasing aroma, an offering made to the LORD by fire.

Just as burnt offerings were voluntary in the Old Testament, so was the decision made by these men to worship the Lord today. God didn't smell the stench of their cigarettes, only the sweet aroma of their love and obedience to Him.

So, what's a little headache?

Thank You, sweet Jesus.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Note:  For more articles and thoughts from Cathy, please check out her blog at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are some churches too "Edgy"?

I heard a conversation this week between two believers that fascinated me.  The topic of conversation was whether or not certain churches were too “edgy” in their approach to worship, preaching the gospel, etc.  Both sides made good points (which I won’t go into at the present time) and made me to start thinking about the Gospel as it relates to culture.

Here is where I feel the Bible sheds light on the topic:

  • Luke 15:3-7.  Here Jesus talks about going into the “open country” to find the one lost sheep.  He even states that the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one.  Some of those lost souls out there are on the edge of the open country.  When churches go out of their way to find those on the edge, some of their methods (as it relates to culture) may come across “edgy”.  I do believe that when those lost in the open country come to know Jesus, it is a big deal!  In verse 7 it says that the angels rejoice more over the one who needed to repent than the ninety nine that didn’t.  
  • Maybe the conflict isn’t the methods of how to reach those folks (church style/worship/etc.) but the difference of opinion between believers on “Why do church?”  Some folks approach church solely as a place for believers to congregate & worship God.  Others approach church as a place to reach those who don’t know Christ.  I personally believe that the churches who get it right are those who do both, and do both well.

What is my point?  The older I get, the slower I am to point a finger on what other churches are doing.  Do some get it wrong from time to time?  Yes!  We are all sinners, and we all make mistakes.  The important point to be made is that God is a big God, and can do whatever He wants to bring glory to Himself.  A person who is without Christ may not set foot into one type/style of church but can be reached from the pulpit of another.  As Christians, we should be supportive and encouraging of our brothers and sisters trying to reach those on the edge rather than quick to tear them down.  Christ went after all kinds of folks.  Even today, He uses all kinds of people / methods / churches to reach those He is calling to salvation.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Answering your call

For most of my life, I have been writing in some sort or fashion.  I write songs, poems, short stories, etc.  What is funny is that I have never considered myself as a writer but someone who just enjoys writing from time to time.

In February of this year, God put it on my heart to start this website.  My first reaction was “God, I’m not a writer!”  God had a different response.  I started this website and began writing what God put on my heart.  Immediately He began to bless it.  A few months later someone from my church asked me to help write for our church website.  Even though I don’t see myself as a writer, God does!  He has placed me in a position to write encouraging materials for others to read.  

In Jeremiah 1:4-7 we see God call Jeremiah to speak the word to His people.  Jeremiah’s first response was “Not me!  I’m only a child!”  God answers him by saying “Don’t say that!  You are who I say you are!”  When God calls us to do something, it is ordained.  It is blessed and preset.  God told Jeremiah that He had this all planned out before He was even born.

Whatever God is telling you to do, go do it!  He has a plan for each of us.  The problem occurs when we tell God “Not me, you must have me confused with someone else!”  Whatever God is calling you to do, realize that He has set this into motion long before you were even born.

We see a sliver of the big picture.  God painted the whole picture.  He knows what needs to be done (His perfect plan/will/purpose).  He uses who he wants to use to make that plan come into fruition.  

What is God calling you to do?  More importantly, what is your answer to God?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A really special birthday!

This week's post is dedicated to my wonderful niece Michelle.  Many of you might remember writing about her in an earlier post entitled kickin' & screamin'.  She is one of my favorite people on the planet, and today is her birthday!  What a wonderful reminder of how good God really is to all of us!

Please check out my sister's blog about her special day!  Click here: