Sunday, February 20, 2011

Old Friends

Isn’t it great to run into old friends!  I had the opportunity to cross paths with a friend of mine that I went to school with years ago.  Clayton King was a year behind me, and one of the most energetic, on fire for Christ people I have ever known.  That hasn’t changed!  He is now a Pastor / Evangelist known world wide!   After hearing him preach today, I had to share my notes from his sermon.  It was that good!

Clayton wrapped up a 7 week series at our church has been going through entitled “Make War”.  During those weeks, we followed David as he stood up to Goliath.

Here are a few notes from today:

1.)    There is always a Pasture before the Palace!
·        David began his humble beginnings as a shepherd, not a king.
·        If we as Christians are not faithful in the now, God will not give us the “What’s next”.

What is the Pasture? 
·        It’s where God places you, even if you don’t understand it.
·        It’s where you get to be “The least of these”.
·        It’s where you get to master and develop “The little things”.  In doing the small things for Christ, God will use those times to develop your skills for the bigger things.

2.)    Humility Proceeds Authority.  (1 Samuel 17:20)
·        A good prayer to pray:  God give me the wisdom to know what is right and the courage to do it.
·        If you are too big to do the small things for Christ, then you will be too small to do the big things for God.

3.)    Power is always a result of preparation.
·        Read your Bible daily and be prepared for the big fight.  You can’t enter into the major battles for God when you aren’t “up to speed” with what the Bible says.
·        David was battle ready.  His faith in God was so strong that he knew before hand that God would save the day.
·        To be prepared in the Lord is to practice holiness……even when no one is looking!

  1. Sin is brash but grace is bold.  (Proverbs 28:1)
    • When you are bold in Christ, then grace will abound.
    • When you are bold in your own abilities, it comes across brash and arrogant to others.
    • God has a habit of using the least of these to do the greatest things.

  1. God’s favor isn’t fair.
    • God is God, we are not.  It’s His choice to use whom He wants for His own glory.
    • When we see God bless others, we have a choice:  celebrate it or writhe in self pity and jealousy.

6.)    The calm may not come until you commit.
·        You can’t wait for a feeling or “right time” to commit to Christ.  The calm comes after the commitment.  Sell out for Jesus and then you will see the pieces fall into place.
·        Being sort of committed to Christ is the same as saying “I will be sort of committed in my marriage.”  You either are or you are not.  You can’t ride the fence.

For video or Podcast of the “Make War” series, click the following link:  Make War

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