Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa & Jesus

If we are being honest with ourselves, wouldn’t it be a true statement to say that Christmas is (at best) shared between two people:  Santa Claus and Jesus?  (In that order)  In America (and frankly all over the world) Christmas has been more about the gifts that Santa brings and less about the gift Jesus brought to us.  My sister and I were emailing back and forth the other day about Christmas and what it means to us.  She made a comical comparison between Jesus and Santa Claus that got us both thinking.  Here are a few thoughts:

Santa might get you something and leave it under a tree.  The gift Jesus gave, He paid for on a tree.  (Philippians 2:8)

Santa keeps a list of who is naughty or nice.  Jesus left His list on the cross.  (Romans 8:1)

Santa’s love is conditional (be good for goodness sake….) Jesus love is unconditional.  (Romans 8:38)

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not one of these fundamentalist that wants to boycott Santa Claus.  I won't be picketting the mall or telling my kids that Santa is the devil!  I do think it’s sad that He gets all of the attention!  Jesus Christ became a man so He could reunite us with His Father.  It’s the gift that never gets old and never dies!  And I’ll let you in on a little secret……..JESUS IS REAL!  He’s not a made up fictional character.  He really lived.  He really died on a cross.  He really rose from the dead for you and me!  (John 3:16)

Merry Christmas.  Please think about Jesus this Christmas season! 

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