Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rocks skimming the water

There are a few things that I am talented at doing but will never earn me any money or fame in this world because of it.  One of the things that I can do well is skip a rock across the water.

Everyone likes to think they can skip a rock across the water in fine fashion.  The fact of the matter is that very few people can do it well!  My Daddy is the best ever.  I remember when we used to go fishing, he would take a rock and skim it across the water.  It would go a long ways and bounce across the water like a tennis ball.  It takes practice, and it takes talent! 

Romans 8:38 reminds me of skipping a rock across the water.  The Bible basically says “You have no idea how much Jesus loves you!  You can’t even comprehend it!”

Our lives are like the rock.  God’s love is like the water.  We skim across it and think we understand how much He loves us.  In reality, the depth of God’s love is so deep that we cannot begin to understand it.

Think about this:

  • God is 100% holy.  He cannot tolerate sin.  He cannot be in the same room with it.  It’s impossible.
  • In order to remain in a relationship with His children, He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place.  He sent Him to pay the price for our sin if we choose to accept it.
  • Jesus loves us so much that He left paradise to live among us.  He was born in a stinky barn.  He lived His childhood in obedience to two sinful earthly parents.  He was patient with those He came in contact with during His ministry.  His disciples were a mess, and He loved them anyway.  He spent His time teaching and healing those in need.  He went to the cross and died a horrific death, all in the name of love for us.  He rose again ad conquered death so we won’t have to spend eternity in hell.

Take a minute to think of how vast and deep the love of Jesus really is!  Don’t skim across the top of the water and miss it.

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