“I am proud to be a Scientologist! It’s something you have to earn!” - Tom Cruise
A few thoughts:
- No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop sinning. Sin is real, and it’s a real problem. Sin separates us from God, and one sin brings judgment upon us when a Holy God is the backdrop. (Romans 3:10-12)
- We need a hero! If we can’t save ourselves, where do we go? If we can’t earn our salvation, what do we do? We look to Jesus. He came from Heaven as God’s perfect Son, lived a blameless life, and died for you and me to take our place. (John 3:16, Hebrews 4:15, Philippians 2:8)
- It’s not something you earn. Let me pose this question: How can you earn a gift? Did you earn birthday presents from your parents? Did you earn gifts on Christmas morning? NO! They were given to you out of love. Our status with God is a gift through Jesus. This way God gets the glory. It has nothing to do with anything we do. It has everything to do with God’s goodness. He hates our sin, but loves us anyway. That is why we are given the opportunity to accept Christ as our salvation. How can we brag on ourselves and say we “earned it”? We can’t. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- If you want it, ask for it! (Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13) There is only one thing God requires from us when it comes to our salvation: you have to ask for it. If you want to REALLY know God, then you can achieve a personal relationship with Him.
Let me be really serious for a moment. Listen closely to what I am about to say. I promise all of this to be true. I have an intimate, personal, daily relationship with God Himself. He is real. He loves me and I love Him. He speaks to me and I speak to Him. He is my Daddy, and I am His son. Because of Jesus, I want for nothing. I have no need to worry. He shows up daily. He provides for me, takes care of me, restores me and gives me a peace that only comes from God. He gets all of the credit. I don't deserve to know God, but He saved me anyway! My life means something. I live an abundant life of worth, and I owe it all to Jesus! If you want this to be your story too then ask Jesus to rule your life. In your heart, make Him your king. Say out loud to God:
“God I need you. God I am a sinner, and I need Jesus to save me. I want you to be my God, and I want to be your child forever. I believe Jesus died for me and rose from the grave for me. Please take over my life and show me how to live for you.”
It really is that simple, and definitely isn’t something you can earn. For that, I am thankful!
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