Joshua has taken over the place of Moses as the newly appointed leader of Israel. He is on the move to settle the promised land. As he goes from city to city to conquer them, He runs into a man with His sword drawn. (Joshua 5:13-14)
Joshua (Perhaps with his chest out) says to the man “Are you for us or for our enemies?” At that moment the man reveals himself to him as the Lord. He replies “Neither. But as the commander of the Lord’s army….” This man is Jesus, and Joshua is commanded to take his shoes off because the place he is standing is holy ground.
What struck me is how Jesus responded to Joshua. Many times I try to paint God into a box and ask Him if He is for me or against me on different areas of my life. Jesus’ reply to me is the same as it was for Joshua: “neither!”
God is in the business to do one thing and one thing only: to glorify Himself. He is God, He is Holy, and He deserves all praise. That is what he requires from us. God’s main purpose for us is to live our lives in such a way that we glorify Him.
When I was growing up in church, I learned Catechisms. One I remember is this:
Question: What is the chief end of man? (In other words, what is our main purpose in life?)
Answer: To glorify God and enjoy him forever.
Do you want to know the secret to life? Here it is: do everything for the glory of God (your job, your relationships, everything) and in return you will receive joy. God gets the Glory, we get the joy.
The next time you ask “Is God for me or against me?” remember that God is for Himself and His glory. That is also our purpose in life. We are to glorify God.
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