After weeks of buying clothes, new shoes, getting haircuts, a new backpack and school supplies, I parked the car and walked them both into their school. As I went to hug them, my son just kept walking. For years, he would always give me a hug and kiss before he went into the building. It broke my heart! Why wouldn’t he think of hugging his Daddy before going off to his class?
As I went back to my car and went to work, the thought went through my mind: “I do that to God all the time!” What exactly do I mean? Let me unpack this for you:
In Luke 17:10-19 Jesus heals ten men with leprosy. As He heals them, they all run off to town to show their loved ones what good things have happened to them. Only one (the Samaritan) came back and praised God, thanking Jesus for what He did for him. Jesus asked the man “Where are the others? Were not 10 men healed? Are you the only one that came back to praise God?”
Are we not the same way from time to time? When we need God, we cry out to Him; asking Him to bless us, help us, heal us. When He does, don’t we tend to run off and forget to thank Him and tell Him how much we love Him.
I love my son, and I know he loves me. I’m thankful for him and would have loved to have a hug from him on his first day back to school. I am also thankful that God showed me that many times I do the same thing to Him. In the future, I will try to remember to run back and thank Him for all of the wonderful things He has done for me. I will do my best to run back and give him a hug and tell Him I love Him.